
Showing posts from September, 2020

What I like.

 I like to think about original ideas, and guess what my dreams might be depending on what happened recently. My favorite foods are ramen noodles and macaroni&cheese, mostly the types of macaroni I find at restaurants.

Fly Fact

 Flies don't have teeth. Then how do they eat? They throw up liquids similar to acid but with a much smaller effect, and then when the meal they want to swallow gets small enough, they drink it. Its like if we had to blend everything to be able to eat it.

Rat Fact

 Rats have many different places for their habitat, mostly small closed areas only they and other small animals can easily get into, making them have a very high advantage to steal, take, and find food and water to live. And since people don't want their supplies for survival being stolen, they make a lot of different traps for rats.

About Me

 1. I hate bugs a lot, mostly spiders. 2. I am very smart and can get a lot of questions done, but i just need to take the time. 3. I like ramen noodles and macaroni and cheese for lunch. 4. I have an alienware computer that is older than me, but I use a laptop for school. 5. I have a black cat named Omar, which disappeared more than 5 times and either we found him or he was still in the house and we just didn't see him. 6. My family also owns 6 sugar gliders which are marsupials, we have them in a cage and we cover the cage with blankets so Omar doesn't see them. 7. I am a video game addict.